Nachrichten ID: 0000000000000000000000013_001

Marktteilnehmer NameSwissgrid AG
Marktteilnehmer Typeeic
Marktteilnehmer ID10XCH-SWISSGRIDC
Nachrichten ID0000000000000000000000013_001
Ereignis Start2024-02-20 04:00:00
Ereignis Stop2024-02-21 19:00:00
Veröffentlichungsdatum / -zeit2024-02-14 17:27:59
BemerkungenUPDATE (reduced amount of energy)
Information: At the request of the Swiss supervisory authority ElCom, Swissgrid (Swiss TSO) will coordinate an energy reserve test with hydroelectric reserve, thermal reserve power plant and emergency power groups between 20/02/2024 04:00 and 21/02/2024 19:00. During this period, an excess of approx. 966.5 MWh will be fed into the grid, which may have an impact on prices.
StatusSaved and Published
Erstellt am14.02.2024 17:27:59
Aktualisiert am21.02.2024 19:00:01
Zeige 1-1 von 1 Eintrag.
IDNachrichten IDStatusMarktteilnehmer NameEreignisstatusEreignis StartEreignis StopVeröffentlichungsdatum / -zeitBemerkungen
130000000000000000000000013_001VeröffentlichtSwissgrid AGInactive2024-02-20 04:00:002024-02-21 19:00:002024-02-14 17:27:59UPDATE (reduced amount of energy)
Information: At the request of the Swiss supervisory authority ElCom, Swissgrid (Swiss TSO) will coordinate an energy reserve test with hydroelectric reserve, thermal reserve power plant and emergency power groups between 20/02/2024 04:00 and 21/02/2024 19:00. During this period, an excess of approx. 966.5 MWh will be fed into the grid, which may have an impact on prices.